Obama 大統領は2月17日、7,970億ドルの景気対策法案(Stimulus Plan)に調印した。
個人減税 1,162億ドル 「金持税制」 (Alternative Minimum Tax) 補正 <p><p><p>HTML clipboard</p></p></p>
698億ドル Medicaid コストの州への援助 871億ドル 教育費の州への援助 536億ドル 失業補償 358億ドル 高速道路、橋の補修 275億ドル
(米国では 2月17日に予定されていたアナログの地上波テレビ放送停止とデジタル放送への完全移行を6月12日まで延期した)
Category | Programs | Cost |
Tax Cuts for Businesses; Energy | Expand tax incentives for renewable energy facilities Extend production tax credit for wind energy facilities through 2012 and other renewable energy facilities through 2013. Allow renewable facilities to claim investment tax credit instead of production tax credit. Remove cap on investment tax credit for small wind property. Allow renewable energy producers to claim a 30 percent cash grant from the Treasury Department in lieu of the 30 percent investment tax credit. |
$14.0 billion |
Energy | Modernize the electric grid Make the electric grid "smarter," by improving communication so electricity can be distributed and used more efficiently. |
$11.0 billion |
Transportation | Invest in rail transportation Expand passenger rail capacity and make grants for high-speed rail projects, including Amtrak. |
$9.3 billion |
Transportation | Invest in public transit Provide grants to states for public transit infrastructure investment, reallocating money that is not spent quickly. |
$8.4 billion |
Energy | Provide grants to cities, counties and states to increase energy efficiency | $6.3 billion |
Energy | Provide additional financing for Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee program Guarantee loans for renewable energy or electricity transmission projects that "avoid, reduce, or sequester air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases," according to the program's Web site. |
$6.0 billion |
Environment | Clean up sites formerly used by the Defense Department | $6.0 billion |
Environment | Finance local water projects Provide money for wastewater treatment projects and projects that improve the quality of drinking water. |
$6.0 billion |
Energy; Aid to Individuals | Increase financing for home weatherization program Help low-income families make their homes more energy efficient, through projects like adding insulation. |
$5.0 billion |
Energy | Increase energy efficiency in federal buildings | $4.5 billion |
Infrastructure | Make military facilities more energy efficient | $4.2 billion |
Energy; Infrastructure; Housing | Repair and modernize public housing units | $4.0 billion |
Energy | Invest in fossil energy Includes money for near-zero emissions power plants, clean coal technology and carbon capture. |
$3.4 billion |
Energy; Science and Research | Conduct energy efficiency and renewable energy research | $2.5 billion |
Energy; Tax Cuts for Individuals | Increase tax credits for residential energy efficiency improvements Increase tax credits for purchases to make homes energy efficient, such as new furnaces or insulation, to 30 percent through 2010, for up to $1,500. |
$2.0 billion |
Energy; Tax Cuts for Individuals | Incentive for alternative vehicle Increase the tax credit for purchasing plug-in hybrid vehicles to $7,500. |
$2.0 billion |
Energy | Support battery manufacturing Provide grants to manufacturers of advanced battery systems and car batteries in the United States. |
$2.0 billion |
Energy; Science and Research | Provide additional financing for science and research at the Department of Energy Includes $400 million for rapid development of clean energy technology. |
$2.0 billion |
Tax Cuts for Businesses; Energy | Incentive for advanced energy investment Establish a new 30 percent investment tax credit for manufacturers of advanced energy property, which may include technology for the production of renewable energy, energy storage, energy conservation, efficient transmission and distribution of electricity, and carbon capture and sequestration. |
$1.6 billion |
Aid to States; Energy | Authorize more state and local bonds for energy-related purposes Authorize an additional $1.6 billion in renewable energy bonds and $2.4 billion in energy conservation bonds to finance state and local government projects. |
$1.4 billion |
Environment; Rural Assistance | Finance rural water and waste facilities Provide grants and loans for water supply and waste disposal programs in rural areas. |
$1.4 billion |
Environment | Finance national environmental cleanup Provide money for the Environmental Protection Agency's cleanup programs, including Superfund. |
$1.2 billion |
Environment; Rural Assistance | Provide water to rural areas and Western areas impacted by drought | $1.0 billion |
Energy; Aid to States | Provide grants to states for energy-efficient vehicles and infrastructure Includes $300 million to help state and local governments purchase hybrid vehicles and $400 million to start electrical infrastructure projects that encourage the use of electric vehicles. |
$400 million |
Energy; Aid to Individuals | Provide consumers rebates for energy-efficient appliances | $300 million |
Energy | Replace older vehicles owned by the federal government with hybrid and electric cars | $300 million |
Tax Cuts for Individuals; Energy | Expand tax incentives for residential renewable energy properties Remove dollar caps on the 30 percent residential credit for solar thermal, geothermal and small wind property. |
$268 million |
Energy; Housing | Improve energy efficiency in government-subsidized apartment buildings | $250 million |
Energy; Tax Cuts for Businesses | Incentive for alternative fuel pumps Increase tax credits for gas stations and other businesses that install non-hydrogen, alternative fuel pumps to 50 percent through 2010, for up to $50,000. |
$54 million |
<p><p><p><p><p><p><p>HTML clipboard</p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
* 総合目次、項目別目次は
http://kaznak.web.infoseek.co.jp/blog/zenpan-1.htm にあります。
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