瀝青炭の液化技術についてはNEDOは1983年に上記 3法の特徴を生かしてNEDOLプロセスとして統合した。
詳細は http://www.nedo.go.jp/sekitan/cct/jp_pdf/2_3a2.pdf 参照。
詳細は http://www.nedo.go.jp/sekitan/cct/jp_pdf/2_3a3.pdf 参照。
・ | NEDOは1981年に中国煤炭工業局との間で「石炭液化技術共同開発に関する協議書」を締結し、共同研究をスタートした。 1983年、北京煤化学研究所に石炭処理量 0.1t/d のベンチスケールプラントを設置し、多くの液化試験を実施し、多大な成果を上げた。 |
・ | 1997年からは中国からの要請に応えて、黒竜江省・依蘭炭を用いての石炭液化プラント立地可能性調査の実施に協力した。 |
・ | 1999年5月の日中高級事務レベル会議を経て神府東勝炭田を開発している神華集団と基本協定書を締結し、NEDOLプロセスに基づく神華炭液化プラント(5,000t/d)の立地可能性調査を実施している。 |
このほか、ドイツのRUG RAGが雲南省で褐炭、米国のHTIが陜西省の亜瀝青炭を使った実証プラントをつくっている。
2005年9月にCoal Research Institute(北京支部)と国営寧夏石炭集団が共同で寧夏石炭集団・石炭化学リサーチセンターを設立し、サソールの石炭間接液化技術で石炭液化を行うFSを開始した。320万トンの石油製品を生産する計画。
サソール自身は2005年に寧夏回族自治区で神華石炭液化会社と、寧夏回族自治区で寧夏Luneng Energy and High Chemistry Investment Group と、それぞれ8万バレル/日の石炭液化設備のFSを開始した。
同社は2004年8月、内蒙古自治区鄂爾多斯(オルドス)市で世界最大規模の神華石炭液化プロジェクトに着工した。プロジェクトは2期に分けて進められ、第1期工事の総投資額は245億元で、1年間で970万トンの石炭から製品油320万トンを生産する。製品の内訳はガソリンが50万トン、ディーゼル油が215万トン、液化ガスが31万トン、ベンゼンや混合キシレンなどが24万トンの予定で2007年7月完成予定。2010年ごろに第2ラインが完成する見通し。 米国のHeadwaters Incorporated の子会社 Hydrocarbon Technologies, Inc.(HTI) の技術を使用する。
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Oligopoly and game theory
With the passage of natural and self-consumption economy to trade and market economy, entrepreneurs from small artisans with their past workshops until the industrial giants of our time, everyone was interested in resisting as much as in competitive battle, with The main objective of profit maximization. Of course it was not easy! "Rules" are tough and who's wrong or who can not keep up with others is often removed, but another possibility of leaving your seat. Of course there were and there are still some who cheat and that the "referee" (the state) and not notice that not only make the score to come back in their favor but others out of the competition.dress up games
Life is inherently unfair! The resemblance to a jungle can find anyone, if you look closely, while having an imagination that allows him to make such an association. In the
competitive battle the strongest survive. One who is attentive, who follows his opponent and the fallen leaves are not the actions of others. Everything is a game where each opponent's actions follow and act accordingly. That is my opinion dynamics study economics so interesting.jocuri miniclip
The game competition competitors agree all relationships, the rivalry between economic agents, be they producers or consumers, resulting maximize economic efficiency and satisfaction felt by actantial competitive game, namely experienced maximize utility (if the consumer) and of the profit got (to producers).
In a world where everything revolves around money every mistake costs. The famous statement "Time is money!" Begin to be understood increasingly better and free competition, one of the cornerstones of the market economy is the mechanism which regulates and stimulates production, so maximizing behavior-oriented manufacturers midst of profit that is made to the economic system - optimization of consumption and consumers maximize satisfaction of needs. Competitive relationships require manufacturers to promote technical progress, lower costs and prices, increasing the quantity, quality and diversity of economic assets.
Here the system of market economy and competition is the engine of our evolution as a species because we have to take that first big event since the beginning of the current economic thinking modern commercialism and so far, but especially in the last hundred years, improvements in our living was based primarily on the criteria stated above: technical progress, improving quality and efficiency.jocuri cu motociclete
Market structures are distinguished primarily by the number and economic power of producers and consumers, therefore the possibility that one of these categories to influence the price. Factors specific to a particular market structure and degree of differentiation are the products of a certain category, the degree of mobility of production factors (labor, nature, capital), the degree of transparency of the markets (certainty of knowledge supply and demand).
After these parameters can distinguish three main structures: the market with perfect competition, theoretical model by excellent economists relates to better explain certain phenomena, market monopoly, very challenged in terms of social benefit / social cost and market with imperfect competition (monopolistic competition and oligopoly) model that prevails, characterizing him everyday economic reality, portraying the two main large market structures.
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